Mathematics and other Topics
Here are links to some recent postings in this blog. I keep everything in English. Most users of my programs do not speak German.
- Matt Parker measures the Earth
- What does a Mirror Flip?
- Paradoxes in Probability Theory
- Logical Flaws
- Pisa-Unsinn
- The „Sleeping Beauty“ Paradox
- A Little bit of Duplo-Mathematics
- Java-Kurs – Modernisierung
- „Restricted Choice“ in Bridge
- The Two Envelopes Problem
- Another nice Math Problem
- ChatGPB Babble
- Problems with Infinity
- The Ethics of AI
- Corona – Revisited
- EMT – Simulation of the Two Child Problem
- Problem mit Zahlen
- Gödel’s Mysterious Incompleteness Theorem
- Computing Primes with Python and EMT
- High School Students proved Pythagoras
- DOF Calculator in Python
- Suggestions on Math Education
- Money and Trust
- Die indische Elite-Auslese
- Restart